Hello all! This is my very first blog post. I am eight days away from flying abroad. I am full of a mix of emotions. But before we get to a crazy mix of emotions, let me introduce myself.
I am McKenna Weipert, I will be living in London for two months this summer.
That's me above. There will be many more selfies to come. Hopefully, ones with more interesting backgrounds, and ones that aren't quite as serious.
I have always loved telling stories. My original calling was Musical Theater. I loved the impact that stories had on individuals. So, after I decided that I did not want to spend my life searching for the next gig, I chose pursue a degree in History. I received my first Bachelors from George Mason University in the Spring of 2013. After graduating, none of the jobs I was finding seemed interesting to me. They all felt rather boring, I longed for something a little faster paced. So I eventually stumbled my way into Events Management. Now, I am pursuing a second Bachelors in Tourism and Events Management, with a concentration in Events Management (Yes it's a mouthful I know). I feel like I have finally found the best mix of all my backgrounds. I am able to pitch event ideas, and plan things to the smallest of detail, while still creating a story line for each participant that has a very real impact.
I am participating in a study abroad program through GMU. This program has placed me in an internship relative to my field of study, and I also get to take an English history/culture course (Which I am super excited for because I have been missing history since my change of career). I will be living in London from June 4th through July 31st. This is huge for me as I have never traveled outside of the country before. I fully intend to travel to the surrounding countries while in England.
This blog is to keep track of my struggles, triumphs, and new experiences. It will also be a place where I will be sharing as much as I can with you, the reader, in a very real and honest light. I will try to upload once, if not twice a week to keep you all up to date with my travels. Thank you so much for coming here to check out my story, I hope it will impact you as I know it will impact me.
Cheers Everyone!